Use Business Intelligence to Improve Your Sales Performance


 Sales leaders are always looking for ways to improve their teams' performance. In fact, according to a survey by the  Association of Certified Chief Executive Officers (ACCE), nearly 90% of CEOs say that improving sales productivity is one of their top priorities. As you're probably already aware, there are multiple ways to do this: training programs and workshops, new hires, etc. But one area where many companies fall short is  BI  and why should they? Business intelligence (BI) has become such an integral part of running any organization today that it's hard to imagine doing anything without it. However, not everyone understands how beneficial BI can be in helping your company grow at the fastest rate possible. This makes sense considering that most people don't even realize what BI is.

 What is Business Intelligence?

 Business intelligence is the process of collecting and analyzing data to make better business decisions. It's a broad term that includes many different tools and technologies, but in this article, we are going to focus on BI as it relates specifically to sales performance.

 BI can be used for sales, marketing, finance, and operations. BI allows you to see how your company is performing across all departments at once and what needs improvement. So you can make informed decisions about how best to allocate resources toward growth or change management initiatives (or both).

 Identifying and Prioritizing Leads Using Predictive Analytics

 When it comes to generating leads, you can use predictive analytics to identify the most promising leads.

 Predictive analytics is a powerful tool that can help you identify the most promising leads based on their behavior and characteristics. If your company sells products related to sports or fitness equipment and you have a database of past customers who purchased similar products from other companies, this data could be used for predictive purposes by identifying those customers who are likely to buy again in the future. This may allow you more time and resources invested into reaching out directly to these potential customers than trying to find new ones through traditional methods such as cold calling or emailing lists of past clients (which often ends up being an ineffective waste).

 You can also use predictive analytics when prioritizing which prospects should receive attention first given their likelihood of converting into paying customers.

 Dashboards and Data Visualization

 A dashboard is a visual representation of data that can be used to understand your business. Dashboards show trends, key performance indicators (KPIs), and other important information in an easy-to-understand way.

 Dashboards are especially useful for sales managers because they allow you to quickly see how well your sales team is doing on a daily basis. They also give you insights into what drives sales performance. The most popular KPIs include,

     Number of leads generated per month/quarter/year

     The average number of contacts generated per week/month/quarter

     The average amount spent per client

 You don't need any specialized software or hardware to create dashboards, the majority of the work happens when collecting and analyzing data from various sources such as Salesforce or Google Analytics (which both have free versions with limited functionality). In addition, there are lots of free resources available online where anyone can find tips on creating beautiful dashboards using  Excel templates or advanced HTML5  visualizations like Tableau Public or  Google Charts API v1.

 Sales Forecasting

 Sales forecasting is the process of predicting future sales. It can help you identify opportunities and risks, as well as help you make decisions about the future.

 Forecasting helps companies plan for their business by identifying key events that will affect their sales performance. If a company knows it will sell more products in September than in June, then it may want to increase its marketing efforts in September so that it can reach its target market during peak season.

 Sales KPIs You Should Know

 Once you’ve got your data, it’s time to put it all together. The first thing to do is figure out how many deals are in the pipeline and how many are closed. The second thing is to determine how many deals have been won and lost, as well as their size (the average deal value).

 Once you have this information at hand, it’s easy enough to calculate some other KPIs,

     The average revenue per customer per month (ARPU)  – ARPU measures profits over time by dividing total revenue by total customers served during a specific period of time. It helps companies optimize investments in marketing efforts or changes in product offerings so they don't lose money on every sale made.

     The average revenue per customer (ARPC)  – This measure shows how much money customers spend with a given company over time; it's an indicator of how profitable any given product or service may be for that company at any given moment in its history.

 How to Utilize Business Intelligence in Your Sales Department

 Business Intelligence (BI) is a subset of information technology (IT) that focuses on extracting insights from existing data sources so they can be used more effectively by management teams. BI tools help companies gain greater insight into their customers’ needs through analysis of customer behavior, business processes, and systems data such as sales records or performance metrics like revenue growth rates over time.

     Use data to make better decisions

     Use data to identify sales opportunities

     Use data to improve customer service

     Use data to improve sales performance, including closing rates and conversion  rates.


 Business Intelligence (BI) is a great way to improve sales performance and increase revenue. You can use it to gather data from sources like Salesforce and other internal databases, then analyze that information to identify customer needs and prioritize lead opportunities. BI also allows companies to forecast demand for their products based on historic trends, and it provides key metrics for monitoring employee performance over time.

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